Sunday 2 December 2012


We flew out of Brisbane to Fiji on the 19th November to attend Roger's renewal of his wedding vows.
 The night before we left there was a severe hail storm that hit Jindalee and the caravan, car, Marie's car and Michelle's car were damaged.   The hail went through the vents in the roof of the caravan and three sides and the roof are very badly dented.  Bob and Marie spent quite a while out in the rain putting tarps over the van to stop the rain coming in the damaged vents.
 We were to go to the Naviti Resort, but a few weeks earlier four of the six restaurants and the kids club burned down so Roger was able to transfer all our bookings to the Warwick Resort.
This resort was great with excellent facilities and food.  We had a great time catching up with everyone and enjoying the facilities.  The renewal took place in an island restaurant and everyone looked beautiful and the service was very moving. 
 We took a cultural tour from the resort that took in a traditional village, a woodcarving workshop and a primary school.    This was very interesting and the children at the school were wonderful considering the lack of equipment that they have.
We both enjoyed Fiji very much, the people are so friendly and although it did rain in some part of every day, we were still able to do what we wanted.
We flew back into Brisbane on the 26th November and stayed on a few more days at Marie's in Jindalee.   We left Jindalee on the 30th November to slowly make our way home.    We hope to be home by the 9th December.
 A view of the Island Restaurant where the renewal took place
 The ceremony
Children at the primary school

Fire walkers at the Resort
The view from our room at Warwick Resort

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