Tuesday 30 October 2012


We left Charters Towers and travelled down the Gregory Development road, through Ballyando Crossing and on to Clermont where we drove out to Theresa Creek Dam as we had been told that it was very good.    The development road was very good with little traffic.  On the way into Clermont we encountered some bush fires that were burning up to the road but the traffic was still able to get through.  
  This camp was indeed very good and only $10.00 per night.   There were toilets, hot showers and lovely grassy areas to camp on, but had no drinking water or power.  There was a ski club down on the waters edge that did become a bit noisy on Friday night.   There were quite a few campers there but not as many as the busy season.   People were water skiing, fishing, swimming and setting nets for red claw (although we did not see any).  On the bottom end of the dam the local coal mine had erected what looked like carports for campers to pull up beside and use them as a personal picnic shed, this would be very useful in the hot or rainy weather.
 We stayed for two nights.
 Balyando Crossing
 Bush fires on the way to Clermont
 A view across Theresa Creek Dam to camp ground
Another view of camp ground across dam 
 View from our annex
 Water skiers on dam
 Carports for use of campers
Fishing for red claw (no tea tonight)

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